Sunday, June 30, 2013

More rain Here.....

                         Hope that You good Viewers are having a pleasant Sunday Evening.....
                                                                     or two......

                                                                    Later Kiddies.....
Got a pot of Coffee brewing....

The Dreaded ..."Space Shrub".....!!!!

We even designed the "Shrubs" their own vehicle.....
Here is the "Crawling Turrent"  That They use as a Land Vehicle....
                                             My little "Shrub" has come along nicely....

                                                       At least it helps to lift my spirits....

                                                                   it is raining again here.....
                     I guess that we will crawl back off into the :Spore" universe for a while ..... Later....

It is Now After 9:00 am Here.....

These are my ruthless and vile "Space Shrubs"....
Need to take a break and rest for a bit....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Good Summer's Eve to You All.....

                                         Been away in the "Spore" Universe for a bit.....
I finally got back my "Space-Shrub".... my favorite "critter" from back when I first played "Spore"...

                                                A Friend just dropped by for a bit...
                                                   So we Quit our game for a bit.....

                       Hope that you All are having a pleasant Summer Weekend.....
I designed a "Turrent" Gun as their ""land vehicle"....   Over 400 hit points... tough little Gun....
                                    Well I guess its back off to an all night session of "Spore"....

Friday, June 28, 2013

Young Vampires...

Lost Boys was the first movie to really "glamorize" Young Vampires.....


As for "youg good-looking" Vampires .... They are Still Vampires ... blood-drinking Undead Monsters....!!!!
                                                         And They do Not "Sparkle".....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Update.....

The two that grew on their own have decided to grow across the sidewalk. I kept re-positioning to grow in another direction... but the next morning they had turned themselves back across the sidewalk ... at least they are "healthy"....
Taken about two weeks ago....

     Much smaller Patch this year ... our health is not really up to caring for a larger one anymore....
Also I just checked the "stats" for "the Crypt".... and we have had over 200,000 views to date...!!!
                                                             Thank You All....!!!!
       and here is a little paper-craft "Grey Ghostie" for you to print and make for yourself.... Enjoy..

Here's One from the Crypt Keeper...

                                                   A morbid little tale for your afternoon......
                              We hope that you good folks enjoyed the one on Monday...
Remember Kiddies .... That's G.H.O.U.L.S.........
                      A nasty little tale about a nosy Reporter.... and missing Homeless people.....
                                                        Have A Great Day....

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hello and We Hope That You Are Having a Great Day...

just having a bit of Coffee.... 
                                 We were up until about 10:00am .... on my "Spore" game ....
My little ruthless alien insectoid archeologist has bee very busy.... these are the artifacts that he has found that are awaiting transportation to the place where the rest of his collection is displayed.....
Getting ready to walk uptown in this heat and humidity.... ( not too good on Stacey's breathing....
                                       Then I guess back off to play with the "Spore" universe....

Monday, June 24, 2013

We Hope That You All Had a Great First Weekend of Summer....

                                  Hello All....   And Remember that the 4th of July will soon be upon us....
                                                Lets have a bit from the old CryptKeeper......
                    Here is a little terror tale for your day... "None but the Lonely".... Enjoy....
                                                     Later Kiddies.....

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Good Friend Just Dropped By to See Us.....

                                     Yes Kiddies ... "Depression" Still "kicking my ass".....
Still been at "Spore" ...just to keep our mind "occupied".....

                                        But my Friend's visit has lifted our spirits a bit...
                            Just needed a bit of a Lift..... Stacey has been much too low of late....

Hope to be better very soon Kiddies ... health issues as well.... Sorry to you All for not posting more of late                         ... But Stacey has Not been at his best as of late....
My one lung and "fatigue" issues are main concerns far as our health goes ... this humidity is what is effecting our breathing and the coughing spasms are much worse for nearly two months now ... (See "breathing Doctor" in a couple of weeks ....)
                                   Till then just trying to "hang in there"Kiddies....

Friday, June 21, 2013

Finally Quit This Session of "Spore".....

Attained a "Warp 5" engine for my ship ..... and made enough Alliances to allow me to place "Embassies" on other worlds ...(to improve my relations with the other race....) Had to form 20 Alliances to reach this...
Up-graded my "Ship" as well....

                                               And 1,500 travels to star systems.....!!!
A hologram of my creatures stands before his "Collection".....

Did increase the amount of my collected "Artifacts".... Basically a "Space Archeologist" .....  Cool...

Just Taking a Short Break from "Spore"......

                                            Still going .... on Coffee and my nervous energy...
                             Here is an earlier picture of my collected "Artifacts".... from across the Galaxy ....!!!
And the World is uninhabitated  and is "patroled" by 3 Giant Monsters..... Two of them "Giant Slugs"....!!!!
                                                   This should discourage robbers.....
Well we are off back into the heart of "Grox" Territory .... Almost reached "Galactic Core".....
In this "old Rust-Bucket".....with sensory antenna protruding from the rear .... 

Taking Another Break from "Spore".....

                            A Merry Summer Solstice to you all.....

                     Just Taking a short break ..... Soon back to "Spore".... Screw Sleep....

Spore Crashed for Now...

I really Hate the Followers of the "Spode" in this "Spore" game....and of course the "Grox"....!!!!
Been playing it since last Post....

One of those Brown Recluse Spiders dropped down near the front door ... as I went to kill it .... the fan caught the little bastard ... and it Flew across the room on a thin web.,..,. Now I have to worry about "Flying Spiders" as well....!!!!
 Well Back off to "Spore" for now..... And "Screw the Prime Directive"... Kill them ... simply because you can and the use their "resources".... (Spice in the Game)...
                                    A little something for "Star Trek" fans .... Later Kiddies.....

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Not Much "New"....

                         Sorry Kiddies we have been more than a bit down of late...

                                           ...Depression Sucks....
                  We will think on some things to post for you good people...

                           look around and see what we can come up with....
                                              A favorite song of our earlier days

                             For now trying to take things "one at a time" .... Later